Is durable flooring more expensive?

Is durable flooring more expensive?

When it's time to buy new floors, you may feel that durable materials are your best choice. But are durable floors more expensive?

It's essential to understand your options as you go into floor shopping. And here are some considerations as you begin yours.

The price of durable flooring

The more durable a floor covering is, the more expensive the product. One of the reasons for the higher price is that more product is used.

For instance, luxury vinyl is more durable when you buy thicker layers. On the other hand, other materials are more expensive because their new floors last longer by default.

What does the higher price bring you?

You aren't losing a thing if you pay more for higher quality and added durability. You'll save money over time because you won't have to replace the flooring often.

In some cases, a floor covering can last decades from installation. So the bottom line is finding out all the information before your buy.

What to consider as you shop for flooring

Consider the price and the material's lifespan if you need extensive durability. For example, you may find a flooring company that offers products that last 30 years compared to those that last 10 years.

With the lower lifespan, you'll have to replace your flooring three times to meet the lifespan of the other. So the question then is, which turns out to be more affordable?

Visit us for a complete breakdown of your flooring need

At Fort Smith Flooring Group, we care as much about your floors as you do. And we'll do everything we can to provide the best materials and services.

Visit our Ft. Smith, AR flooring store today to choose your best floor coverings. From there, we're proud to serve the communities of:

  • Van Buren
  • Wright Town
  • Barling, AR
  • Arkoma
  • and West Fort Smith, OK